How do I get dirt off the bottom of my pool

Do you want to know how to get dirt off the bottom of your pool? How about how to use products that are designed to do just that.

Keeping a pool clean is a top priority for any owner. In addition to the use of filtration systems for water, special attention need to be paid to the general condition of the pool, where plaque and rust should not accumulate. On the sides of the walls, water stone often forms and yellow spots appear.

Modern developers offer a variety of new tools, based on chemical compounds that can cope with even the most complex pollution in an instant.

Preparations for cleaning tiles

For tiles, the most popular method is an alkaline solution that can remove not only dirt, but also fat, lime plaque. An algicidal mixture will protect against algae, and any lime deposits are removed using a cleaner with hydrochloric acid.

In order to properly carry out all the cleaning, first you need to drain all the water. Special attention should be paid to the interplate seams and process them immediately when they are still wet to enhance the effect.

The work is carried out with the use of toxic substances, so we must not forget about our own safety, it is important to wear protective equipment — gloves, glasses. Kids and animals should also be far away from the pool.

In the process, it is necessary to use various tools, for example, brushes are needed with both coarse bristles for tile processing and soft (for seams). Then everything needs to be thoroughly washed with water (several times), wiped dry with a clean cloth and surfaces need to treated for any sign of algae.

Buy Detergents:

Process For Cleaning Swimming Pool Tiles

Moisten the plates

To do this, a special acid detergent is used, which will penetrate well into the seams, corrode dirt, but at the same time not damage the finish and colors. If the pool is dry, then pre-moisten the interplate seams with a mop and evenly distribute water.

Prepare a cleaning solution

When using acids, you need to be careful. Specialists work in gloves, try not to apply detergent on stainless steel surfaces. It is important to take precautions during work so that chemicals do not get on the skin.

Application of detergent composition

We liberally apply the detergents in the form of foam to the bottom and walls of the container using a foam gun. We give the remedy 5 minutes.

Collecting dirty water

After all the work, dirty water should be carefully removed. After cleaning the dirt, you can use a scraper. We drain the dirty liquid into the sewer, and if there is no such possibility, then we collect the dirty water with a pump.

Other Additional Information

It is important to familiarize yourself with the chemicals and the instructions of use. Take into account that certain standards are not always suitable for your pool. If you need advice or a deep cleaning of your pool, then we are here to service and help you.